Current Issue Vol. 15, No. 3 (2025)

Original Research
Evaluating the efficacy of a mindfulness mobile app for stress reduction in nurses
Myrta M. Rabinowitz, Tung M. Leung
Original Research
Influence of nursing interns’ resilience on burnout: Mediating effects of well-being
Juan Li, Minrui Li, Junli Ye, et al.
Original Research
Efficacy of plantar foot temperature monitoring in preventing ulcers in individuals with diabetes: An umbrella review protocol
Açucena Leal de Araújo, Francisca Diana da Silva Negreiros, Raquel Sampaio Florêncio, et al.
Original Research
Acquiring clinical reasoning skills via virtual simulation in nursing education: A qualitative study
Bronya H.K. Luk, Joanna W.Y. Yeung, Oi Kiu Pau, et al.
Clinical Practice
A quality improvement study to improve patient and family satisfaction through handoff of patient care between emergency department and inpatient nurses
Ashley Sluder, Gordon Gillespie
Original Research
Nurses’ self-efficacy and knowledge: A pre- and post- study on reeducation for patient self-management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Salina Desai, Stephanie Byrd, Amer Kim
Original Research
Building capacity to lead: Development implementation and evaluation of a leadership and management education program for nurse leader-managers
Sue Bookey-Bassett, Heather Thomson, Janet Chee, et al.
Original Research
Supporting psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners’ preparedness to treat mental health concerns during pregnancy: Results from a grounded theory study
Rachel Eakley, Susan Kools, Allison B. Deutch, et al.
Original Research
Achievement emotions within simulation in baccalaureate nursing education–A mixed methods study
Melanie Breznik, Kathrin Radl, Anna-Theresa Mark, et al.
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...Journal of Nursing Education and Practice (JNEP) is now calling for papers for the coming issues in Volume 15. The topic can be any areas related to nursing: nursing education, nursing practice, nursing management and policy, clinical nursing, nurse-midwifery, community and public health, psychiatric-mental health and so on.
If you are interested in publishing your work in our journal, You can submit your article by email submission: or online submission:
Your paper will be processed within 24 hours. The reviewing process takes about 4-10 weeks.
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Assessing the effectiveness of nursing virtual reality simulation for English as second language students to decrease anxiety in clinical courses
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